Food! A Nomad's Choice

Surviving as a nomad or in a zombie takeover, aka, apocalypse, is about the same. One difference is having food that can be eaten right out of the bag or can. My list is combining both since occasionally, I'm sure, I'll have a way to fire up a grill, propane burner, build a campfire or have electricity to brew a real cup of coffee. It will depend on my nomad set up once I hit the road, but in truth, this works for whatever I'll be living in. My food needs to be easy to store and easy to fix. I have a large tub of Ready Wise dehydrated foods. I have two buckets with a variety of breakfast lunch and dinner but also individual packets I pick up with chili and even teriyaki chicken. Most of these you add water, except for the dehydrated snacking peas (very weird tasting), but most the time, heating up water to make these won't be a problem; however, there may be bad weather or can't use the tiny propane burner days, so something ready to eat will come in handy. Mayb...