Virtual Connections are Lacking

 Staying connected in this "covid" world is a challenge. Sure, Skype, Zoom, Team-meeting, Facetime, telemed, and all those other virtual "connections" allow some sort of contact, but they don't take the place of physical contact. 

Telemental or telemedical appointments are lacking. The doctors aren't weighing, seeing inside ears for infections or taking one's temperature. He/she is not listening to the lungs and heart, nor are they taking blood pressure. Doctors may miss signs some children may be in physical danger. Other medical needs may be missed (i.e., odd gait, low/high height/weight, milestones not being met, etc.) Mental assessments are more tricky virtually. 

There may be connection issues, affordability for WIFI, quality issues, privacy, and noise issues. Homelessness may cause lack of phones, computer access and other means to fill out forms for their online visits or needed resources.

On the other hand, first time consults might help you decide if the doctor is a good fit without making the drive to an office. 

Adults with special needs are sorely impacted. Events are cancelled, work layoffs and internships are put on hold. Many adults with special needs cannot work telework due to their skills or needing a job coach. With many companies deciding to continue home offices, this will impact those seeking employment. Special needs adults that are in college are put into virtual classrooms without the extra help that is needed. Some classes are cancelled. Routines are interrupted causing turmoil and grief over the loss of socialization. 

Early intervention began having limits with speech, occupational and other services. Physical therapy is practically impossible online and some services stop altogether without notice.   

It's not just special needs children and adults. It impacts their families and friends. The whole world is impacted. There is grief from missing celebrations, vacations, visits and outings. Many are told to do "virtual" trips, visits and vacations. It goes against the "less TV, more explore" we used to hear often. It still limits the social contact and isolates. 

Virtual trips cannot give the smell of pine, the feel of grass beneath the toes, the thrill of a roasting marshmallow at the beach, the sound of the ocean and the excitement of an old steam engine excursion. 

People are told they have to quit or be fired if they don't take a vaccination. (BTW, I am vaccinated but don't feel it should be mandated.) Nurses and other health workers quit rather than be vaccinated.  Those fired or quit cannot receive any type of government assistance. 

 I feel a huge loss of security in this country. Increased theft, violence, housing and supplies are low. Supplies are limited and some stores/services have to close early. This in turn causes loss of wages. 

People talk about going back to normal but I don't see "normal" as we knew it. It will be a new normal we will eventually adjust to. 

Through it all, lets not forget kindness. Reach out to others, especially those who are more apt to be isolated. 

 Information how covid is affecting our children's education: NCBI

*Disclaimer: My posts may contain some information that should not be taken as medical or other advice. I'm not a medical or mental health professional and don't endorse any services, medications, or other needs. Most written above is from my own experiences or those I know close to me. Please look up resources if you want updated covid inpact information. 


  1. While I do enjoy being able to converse behind the screen, there are situations that I feel are more important in person. I wouldn't feel comfortable having a medical visit on the computer, especially if I have a pressing need that the doctor can only give a proper diagnosis while in his/her office. My niece had her very first dance recital. I was unable to be there due to the pandemic. I was able to view the video, but it's not the same. I am absolutely AGAINST the "vaccine" mandate. I'm not against vaccinations, but I am against the mandate of this one. Lives have been turned upside down due to the current political situation and pandemic. It is disheartening to see where the world is headed.

    1. There are situations where the screen can be useful, but I feel if there is a pressing need with a doctor, a physical visit is more important. I've had a doctor tell me they will only telemed when the pandemic first hit and during that time, I was misdiagnosed and it could have been dire if I didn't change doctors. If one can be diagnosed digitally, we could "google" and do it ourselves. You see how silly that is. I'm afraid this mandate is only going to get worse. Many restaurants, bars etc. are now requiring a card or no entrance. It's very disheartening to see where the U.S. and world as a whole is going. So many people are unkind.


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